English is the language of global communication, and it's much more than that. By studying English at 91ÊÓƵ (91ÊÓƵ), you'll explore literature and writing through innovative, interdisciplinary courses that shape your mind and abilities to help you find your way in the world. You'll graduate as an insightful reader, an adept researcher, and an agile writer, ready to continue your studies at a graduate or professional school or to launch your career.

Two Year Academic Roadmap

Print Two Year Roadmap

  • Fall Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ENGL/ UDGE330Interdisciplinary Writing3Triples counts with Major, UDGE C, and GWARMajor & GE & GWARUDGE C
    ENGL349Perspectives on Multicultural Literature3Meets Multicultural RequirementMajorMP
    ENGLStudent's ChoiceUpper Division ENGL Major Elective3See catalog for complete list of Upper Division ENGL Major ElectivesMajor
    HISTStudent's ChoiceUS History3Choose one: HIST 270, 271, 272, 275, CHS 350. If US HIST has been met change to Free ElectiveOtherUS History
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceFree Elective3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.Other

    Total Units



    • Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains incomplete, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • Check in with the Advising Center, Graduate Studies Center, and Career Development Services
    • Consider leadership in a campus club.

    Spring Junior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories
    ENGL325 or

    326 or


    ENGL 325: Major Non-Western Authors, or
    ENGL 326: Major British & European Authors, or
    ENGL 327: Major American Authors

    3Course 1 of two courses required from the listMajor
    ENGL360Literary Theory3Major
    ENGLStudent's ChoiceUpper Division ENGL Major Elective3See catalog for complete list of Upper Division ENGL Major ElectivesMajor
    UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning3Can choose to double dip UDGE-B with Upper Division ENGL Major Elective (ENGL 338 or ENGL 345), if double dipping is chosen.
    Please note that an additional 3 unit Free Elective will be needed to complete the 120-Unit Requirement
    Graduation RequirementStudent ChoiceLanguage3Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen; if language has been met change to Free ElectiveOtherLanguage

    Total Units



    • Two year plan assumes Lower Division (LD) Major courses have been completed. If any LD courses remains incomplete, take these courses as soon as possible.
    • Talk to faculty about grad school options.
    • Consider an on-campus job, such as a peer mentor.
  • Fall Senior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories


    Introduction to Language, Structure, and Linguistics3Major
    ENGL410Shakespeare's Plays3Major
    ENGLStudent's ChoiceUpper Division ENGL Major Elective3See catalog for complete list of Upper Division ENGL Major ElectivesMajor
    UDGEStudent's ChoiceUDGE D - Social Sciences3Can choose to double dip UDGE-D with Upper Division ENGL Major Elective (ENGL334 or ENGL340 or ENGL346 or ENGL430 or ENGL433), if double dipping is chosen.
    Please note that an additional 3-unit Free Elective will be needed to complete the 120-unit requirement.
    POLS150American Political Institutions3If US Constitution/State & Local Gov't has been met change to Free Elective.OtherUS Constitution/State & Local Govt.

    Total Units



    • Go to an English portfolio information session
    • Submit your Capstone portfolio
    • Meet with Academic Advising Center for Grad Check and apply for graduation
    • Apply for graduate school, if applicable
    • Attend Capstone presentations
    • Attend Grad Fair

    Spring Senior

    Course AreaCourse NumberCourse TitleUnitsNotesRequirements MetGE Categories

    325, or

    326, or


    ENGL 325: Major Non-Western Authors, or
    ENGL 326: Major British & European Authors, or
    ENGL 327: Major American Authors

    3Course 2 of two courses required from the listMajor
    ENGLENGL 499Capstone Project/Senior Seminar3Major
    ENGLStudent's ChoiceUpper Division ENGL Major Elective3See catalog for complete list of Upper Division ENGL Major ElectivesMajor
    Graduation RequirementStudent's ChoiceLanguage3Units may vary between 3-4 units depending on language chosen; if language has been met change to Free ElectiveOtherLanguage
    Free ElectiveStudent's ChoiceFree Elective3Needed for 120 Unit Requirement - Can be any class, any major, any level 100-299 or 100-499 that you have not earned previous credit for.Other

    Total Units



    • Visit the Job Fair
    • Invest time in your Capstone project
    • Attend Grad Fest
    • Join your professional org. @ student rate
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