Spring 2025
*All Program Chairs have Signature Authority to approve petitions. Additional Faculty Advisors may have Signature Authority, if indicated.
Name Email Phone Office Hours Raquel Baker, Faculty Advisor raquel.baker@csuci.edu 805-437-2071 Bell Tower West 1175 - Tuesdays 4-5pm via Zoom
- In-person at the Black Cultural Center (BT 1518)
- Or email for an appointment.
Name Email Phone Office Hours Jaime Matera, Program Chair jaime.matera@csuci.edu 805-437-3363 Sierra Hall 3321 Email for appointment
Susan Kuzminsky, Faculty Advisor susan.kuzminsky@csuci.edu 805-437-3304 Zoom Wednesdays 10:00am -1:00 pm on Zoom starting 1/29
Click to join office hours:
Name Email Phone Office Hours Gregory Wood, Program Chair & Faculty Advisor gregory.wood@csuci.edu Email for appointment Solano 2164 - Monday, Wednesday from 4:30pm-5:30pm
- in Sierra Hall 2131 and by appointment
Name Email Phone Office Hours Marianne McGrath, Program Chair
marianne.mcgrath@csuci.edu 805-437-1614 Madera Hall 2605 Theresa Avila, Faculty Advisor mary.avila@csuci.edu 805-437-2707 Sage Hall 2043 Schedule an appointment with Calendly:
Name Email Phone Office Hours Marianne McGrath, Program Chair marianne.mcgrath@csuci.edu 805-437-1614 Madera Hall 2605 Theresa Avila, Faculty Advisor mary.avila@csuci.edu 805-437-2707 Sage Hall 2043 Schedule an appointment with Calendly:
Name Email Phone Office Hours Lance Nolde, Faculty Advisor 805-437-2637 Madera Hall 2707 By appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Ruben Alarcon, Faculty Advisor for Last Names A-C ruben.alarcon@csuci.edu Email for appt. Aliso Hall #203 - M&W 12:00pm-1:00pm
- Email for appointment
Allison Alvarado,
Signature Authority ONLY for MS Biotech,
Faculty Advisor for Last Names D-Fallison.alvarado@csuci.edu 805-437-2779 Aliso Hall 208 Email for appointment Amy Denton, Clinical Lab Science Program Advisor, Faculty Advisor for Last Names G-I amy.denton@csuci.edu Email for appointment Email for appointment Email for appointment Geoff Dilly, Faculty Advisor for Last Names J-L geoffrey.dilly@csuci.edu Email for Zoom link Email for Zoom link Email for appointment Erich Fleming, Program Chair, Faculty Advisor for Last Names M-P erich.fleming@csuci.edu Email for Zoom link No office hours on campus - 10am-12pm on Thursdays
- (email for Zoom link)
Nancy Mozingo, Faculty Advisor for Last Names Q-S 805-437-8989 Aliso Hall 205 Email for appointment Gareth Harris, Faculty Advisor for Last Names T-W gareth.harris@csuci.edu 805-437-2639 Aliso Hall 201 Email for appointment Nitika Parmar, Faculty Advisor for Last Names W-Z and Signature Authority ONLY for MS Biotech nitika.parmar@csuci.edu 805-437-8873 Aliso Hall 206 Email for appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Cynthia Sherman, Program Chair cynthia.sherman@csuci.edu 805-437-1642 MVS 1174 Email for appointment Dylan Cooper, Faculty Advisor dylan.cooper@csuci.edu Schedule your appt. through in your myCI portal MVS 2104 Use of to schedule an appointment is highly recommended as walk-in availability is extremely rare
•Tuesday: 1:00-2:30 pm (only by Zoom)
•Wednesday: 1:30 – 3:00 pm (in-person or by Zoom)
•Thursday: 3:30 – 5:00 pm (only by Zoom) -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Blake Gillespie, Program Chair blake.gillespie@csuci.edu 805-437-2796 Solano Hall 1151 TBD Ahmed Awad, Faculty Advisor for Last Names A-G ahmed.awad@csuci.edu Email for appointment Solano Hall 1170 or Student Research office in Broome Library 1740 Mondays / Wednesdays 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm or email for appointment
Drop in anytime at the Student Research office in Broome Library 1740Nancy Deans, Faculty Advisor for Last Names H-L nancy.deans@csuci.edu Email for appointment Solano 1169 or via Zoom - Zoom or in-person. Email for appointment.
Last Names M-S
Meet with any CHEM AdvisorMeet with any Chem faculty advisor - See office hours for Dr. Awad, Dr. Deans or Dr. Veldman
Brittnee Veldman, Faculty Advisor for Last Names T-Z brittnee.veldman@csuci.edu 805-437-2775 Solano 1177 Email for appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Jose Alamillo, Program Chair
(Signature Authority)jose.alamillo@csuci.edu 805-437-2685 Dr. Alamillo is located in Madera 1366 Dr. Alamillo is available:
Mondays 3-4pm or by appointment
Please schedule a virtual or in-person meeting using My Booking Page
Jennie Luna, Primary Faculty Advisor
(Signature Authority)jennie.luna@csuci.edu jennie.luna@csuci.edu Madera 1727 Tues 3-4:30pm & Weds 10:30-12:00pm and by appointment in person or via zoom:
Name Email Phone Office Hours Jacob Jenkins, Program Chair jacob.jenkins@csuci.edu Email for appointment Bell Tower West 1275 - Mondays & Wednesdays, 8:00am-10:00am
- Contact Faculty Advisor DR. NANCY CHEN for program specific advising
Nancy Chen, Faculty Advisor nien-tsu.chen@csuci.edu 805-437-3956 Bell Tower West 1178 Email for appointment Megan Kenny Feister
(Signature Authority)megan.kennyfeister@csuci.edu Email for appointment Bell Tower West 1169 - SIGNATURES ONLY email for appointment
- Contact DR. NANCY CHEN for advising
Name Email Phone Office Hours Brian Thoms, Program Chair brian.thoms@csuci.edu 805-437-3714 Solano 2174 Scott Feister, Faculty Advisor scott.feister@csuci.edu Email for appointment Sierra Hall 3325 Thursdays 1pm-3pm, online or in-person. Contact Dr. Feister for a Zoom link. -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Heather Castillo, Program Chair heather.castillo@csuci.edu 805-437-2052 Malibu Hall 118 T/TH 1:00pm-2:30pm or by zoom appointment.
Name Email Phone Office Hours Mari Riojas Cortez, Program Chair mari.riojas-cortez@csuci.edu Email for appointment Madera Hall 2721 Wednesdays 12 p.m.-2 p.m. and by appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Bryan Tomlin, Program Chair & Faculty Advisor bryan.tomlin@csuci.edu 805-437-3723 MVS 1168 Wednesdays from 9am-1pm
Name Email Phone Office Hours Manuel Correia, Faculty Advisor manuel.correia@csuci.edu 805-437-3292 Madera Hall 2623 - Email for appointment.
- Monday 2pm-4pm in my office Madera Hall 2623
- or Zoom
Name Email Phone Office Hours Stacey Anderson, Program Chair
stacey.anderson@csuci.edu 805-437-3291 Bell Tower West 1122 W 3:00-5:00pm (in-person drop-in hours). Book appointments (in-person or virtual) via this link:
Kimberly Vose, Associate Professor & Faculty Advisor
kim.vose@csuci.edu 805-437-3975 Bell Tower West 1116 (Zoom room)
Drop in Zoom or in Person Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:00-5:00
Can’t make those times? I’m available at other times by appointment. Just ask! Students:
Name Email Phone Office Hours Kiki Patsch, Program Chair
For Advising, see Dr. Reineman
kiki.patsch@csuci.edu 805-437-2696 Bell Tower West 1191 For Advising, see Dr. Reineman
Mon/Tues/Thu 10:00-11:00 BTW 1191 and by appointment
Dan Reineman, Faculty Advisor dan.reineman@csuci.edu 805-437-2079 Bell Tower West 1176 Fill out this form:
At the end is a link to schedule an appointment.
Tuesdays 12:00pm-1:00pm
Thursdays 1:45pm-2:45pm
Or by appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours TBD -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Javier Gonzalez, Program Chair javier.gonzalez@csuci.edu 805-437-1637 Bell Tower West 2265 • Wednesday 1:30pm-3pm and Thursday 2:30pm-4pm and by appointment
• Email to schedule a Zoom appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Christopher Scholl, Program Chair & Faculty Advisor christopher.scholl@csuci.edu 412-352-4371 Madera Hall 1641 T, Th 12:00– 1:30 pm in-person or Zoom
Email for appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Alison Perchuk alison.perchuk@csuci.edu 805-437-3733 Madera Hall 2414 Email for appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Ronald Berkowsky, Faculty Advisor for Last Names A-Ch ronald.berkowsky@csuci.edu 805-437-2043 Solano Hall 1171 or Zoom • In-Person: Mondays 8:30am - 9:30am and 3:00pm - 5:00pm
• Virtual or all other appointments: or email for appointmentThomas Clobes, Faculty Advisor for Last Names Cl-Ga thomas.clobes@csuci.edu or
Solano Hall 1172, In Person (Solano Hall 1172) In person: Wednesdays 7:30 to 8:30 a.m.
Virtual: Mondays 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.; Fridays 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.Sonsoles de Lacalle, Program Chair, & Faculty Advisor for Last Names Ge-Ra sonsoles.delacalle@csuci.edu Email for appointment or use Calendly
Solano Hall 1122 Tuesdays 10:45-12:45 and Wednesdays 3-5 pm
Use this link to schedule a meeting:
Kristen Linton, Faculty Advisor for Last Names Re-Ve kristen.linton@csuci.edu 805-437-3757
Solano Hall 1120 Mondays 9-9:30am & 12:30-2:30; Wednesdays 9-9:30am or by appt. Joshua Gold, Faculty Advisor for Last Names Vi-Z joshua.gold@csuci.edu Email for appointment
Solano Hall 1160 Email for appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Rainer Buschmann, Program Chair rainer.buschmann@csuci.edu 805-437-8995 Madera Hall 2407 Tuesday 11:00 to 1:30 and by appointment Jacqueline Reynoso, Faculty Advisor jacqueline.reynoso@csuci.edu 805-437-1660 Madera Hall 2606 In person: MW 12:00-1:00 drop in; or email for appointment
Virtual: email for Zoom link
(When emailing, use subject line: "History Advising Question")
Name Email Phone Office Hours Manuel Correia, Program Chair manuel.correia@csuci.edu 805-437-3292 Madera Hall 2623 - Email for appointment.
- Monday 2pm-4pm in my office Madera Hall 2623
- or Zoom
Lorris Mullins, Liberal Studies Coordinator loris.mullins@csuci.edu Link to make appointment:
Zoom or Madera Hall 1707. Please note preference when scheduling Appointments are available as follows:
- Monday   13:00 - 16:00
- Wednesday 10:00 - 16:00
- Friday 13:00 - 16:00
Name Email Phone Office Hours Geoffery Buhl, Program Chair
(Applied Math, Statistics and Pure Math Emphasis)geoffrey.buhl@csuci.edu 805-437-3122 Bell Tower East 2776 - MW 10:30am-12:00pm or by appointment
Brooke Ernest, Faculty Advisor
(Math Education Emphasis)jessica.ernest@csuci.edu 805-437-8990 Bell Tower East 2848 Email for appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Bahareh Abbasi, Faculty Advisor bahareh.abbasi@csuci.edu Email for appointment Sierra Hall 1432 • Wednesdays: 9:30 am – 10:30 am, Location: Zoom – Contact Dr. Abbasi for a Zoom Link
• Thursdays: 1 pm - 3 pm, Location: Sierra Hall 1432
• or by appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours KuanFen Liu, Faculty Advisor kuanfen.liu@csuci.edu 805-437-1685 Sage Hall 2051 Email for appointment Paul Murphy, Faculty Advisor paul.murphy@csuci.edu 805-437-1687 Malibu Hall 100 T/Th 10-11 in Malibu 100 and Friday zoom available on request
Name Email Phone Office Hours *Nursing students have been equally distributed among tenure track faculty. Students have been notified who their advisor is* N/A N/A N/A N/A -
Name Email Phone Office Hours LaSonya Davis, Program Chair lasonya.davis@csuci.edu 805-437-3878 Solano Hall 1176 Schedule an appointment using the following link: -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Venessa Hutchins, Academic Advisor prenursing@csuci.edu 805-437-8571 Bell Tower 1552 Schedule your appt. through in your myCI portal
Hannah Smit, Academic Advisor prenursing@csuci.edu 805-437-8571 Bell Tower 1552 Schedule your appt. through in your myCI portal
Name Email Phone Office Hours Heather Castillo, Faculty Advisor heather.castillo@csuci.edu 805-437-2052 Malibu Hall 118 T/TH 1:00pm-2:30pm or zoom by appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Dana Baker, Program Chair
dana.baker@csuci.edu 360-989-8134 Madera Hall 2605 Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 PM (Madera 2605); Thursdays 8:00-9:00 and by appointment
Phone/Text: (360) 989-8134
Personal Zoom Room: 267 134 6534 (Passcode: EngageDLB)Andrea Grove, Faculty Advisor
andrea.grove@csuci.edu 412-352-4296 Madera Hall 1641 M, W 12-1:15 and by appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Andrea Grove, Faculty Advisor andrea.grove@csuci.edu 412-352-4296 Madera Hall 1641 M, W 12-1:15 and by appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Dana Baker
dana.baker@csuci.edu 360-989-8134 Madera Hall 2605 Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 PM (Madera 2605); Thursdays 8:00-9:00 and by appointment
Phone/Text: (360) 989-8134
Personal Zoom Room: 267 134 6534 (Passcode: EngageDLB) -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Dana Baker, Program Chair
dana.baker@csuci.edu 360-989-8134 Madera Hall 2605 Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 PM (Madera 2605); Thursdays 8:00-9:00 and by appointment
Phone/Text: (360) 989-8134
Personal Zoom Room: 267 134 6534 (Passcode: EngageDLB) -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Dana Baker
dana.baker@csuci.edu 360-989-8134 Madera Hall 2605 Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 PM (Madera 2605); Thursdays 8:00-9:00 and by appointment
Phone/Text: (360) 989-8134
Personal Zoom Room: 267 134 6534 (Passcode: EngageDLB) -
Kimmy Kee-Rose, Program Chair kimmy.kee-rose@csuci.edu 805-437-3276 Madera Hall 2617 • Online/In-Person Monday 12:00pm - 1:00pm
• Online/In-Person Tuesday 11:00am - 12:00pm
• Online/In-Person Wednesday 12:00pm - 1:00pmTo schedule an appointment, use the following link:
Argero Zerr, Faculty Advisor argero.zerr@csuci.edu 805-437-3749 Madera Hall 2384 or via Zoom Tuesdays 12:30pm-1:30pm, Wednesdays 1pm-4pm Amira Ibrahim, Faculty Advisor amira.ibrahim@csuci.edu 805-437-2083 Madera Hall 1404 -
Mon/Wed 10AM-12PM on Zoom (in person by request) by appointment only via this link
Name Email Phone Office Hours Lindsey O'Connor, Program Chair
lindsey.oconnor@csuci.edu 805-437-3873 Bell Tower East 2752 Email for appointment Elizabeth Sowers, Faculty Advisor socadvising@csuci.edu 805-437-3872 Bell Tower East 2813 Email for appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Clinical Experiences & Partnerships credential.assistant@csuci.edu 805-437-8953 805-437-8953 -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Catherine Burriss, Faculty Advisor catherine.burriss@csuci.edu 805-437-3126 Bell Tower East 2760 Email for appointment -
Name Email Phone Office Hours Sara Alcala, Graduate School Specialist advisement@csuci.edu - Current students schedule your appointment with Dolphin Navigate in your myCI portal
- ALUMNI email advisement@csuci.edu
Zoom - Current students schedule your appointment with Dolphin Navigate in your myCI portal
- ALUMNI email advisement@csuci.edu to schedule an appointment