
When are the deadlines for submitting documentation?

For New and Continuing Students

  • Spring 2025 Priority Deadline - October 25, 2024**
  • Fall 2025 Priority Deadline - July 25, 2025**

**Those who submit their documents after the priority date above may not have them processed in time for the payment deadline. Students must meet payment deadlines to avoid disenrollment, and will be responsible for non-resident fees if all required documentation is not received.

It is the responsibility of the student to verify all fee balances prior to the start of the term. Out-of-state tuition will be charged if the student does not meet the California Residency or Non-Resident Tuition Exemption (AB540) requirements.  If a student paid out-of-state tuition in previous terms at Channel Islands, the CSU is unable to grant retroactive requests or change residency status as evidence of California residency was not provided to the campus by the stated deadlines.

Contact registrar@csuci.edu for further information.

    • To be considered for California residency for tuition purposes, you must:
      • have physically been in California for at least one calendar year, and
      • be able to demonstrate your intent to make California your permanent home

    All new students must provide clear copies of documents that support their claim for residency. Minor students (less than 19 years old) must also submit supporting documents for their parent(s). Documents must be dated one year and one day prior to the Residence Determination Date for the term in which you are seeking residence status for tuition purposes.

    Include at least THREE of the following^:

    Options to meet documentation requirement

    • One item from List A and two items from List B
    • Two items from List A and one item from List B
    • All three items from List A

    ^At least one supporting document submitted must show a date that is one year and one day prior to the Residence Determination Date.

    List A

    • CA 540 State Income Tax return
    • CA W2 form
    • Ownership of residential property as a primary residence in CA
    • Continuous occupancy of rented or leased property in CA
    • California driver license or ID card
    • Receipt of CA state services (e.g. unemployment, disability, CalFresh)
    • Vehicle registration in California
    • Voter registration for California
    • Payment of non-resident tuition at an out-of-state institution, if attended within the past year

    List B

    • Federal Income Tax Return showing a CA address
    • Utility bill (e.g. cell phone, gas, electrical)
    • Active California bank account statements for most recent month, and one from a year prior
    • Current licensing from the state of California for professional practice
    • Current lease agreement or California property tax statement
    • California pay stubs, one showing most recent month, and one from a year prior
    • Verification of employment in CA on company letterhead
    • CA Vehicle insurance (must be listed on policy)
    • Court documents (e.g. ward of the court, divorce degree, or child support)
    • Selective Service Registration with a CA address

    If you are a citizen of another country, you must also submit paperwork on your current immigration status such as:  Copy of Permanent Resident Card or Copy of Visa or Employment Authorization Card

    For continuing students who believe they are eligible for reconsideration of their residency status for CSU tuition purposes, they must provide all items listed above as well as demonstrate financial independence:

    Education Code section 68044 mandates that any student who has been claimed as a dependent on anyone鈥檚 income tax return in the current year or within the past 3 years, who has accepted more than $750 in financial support in any form, or lived with a parent during the current year or the past 3 years shall not be considered financially independent and therefore, cannot meet the core requirement of demonstrated financial independence necessary to qualify for reclassification from nonresident to resident.

  • As of January 1, 2024, the Nonresident Tuition Exemption Form (commonly known as the AB 540 affidavit) is incorporated into the California Dream Act Application, available through the Student Aid Commission .  If a student applies for the Dream Act, has submitted transcripts, and meets the eligibility requirements for AB540, their record will be updated without additional paperwork.

    New and continuing students that have not applied for the Dream Act may request consideration for the  AB 540 exemption by submitting the following:

    1. Complete a Residence Questionnaire (, 153 KB)
    2. Complete a California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request (, 1.7 MB)
    3. Submit transcripts
      1. Final, official California high school transcript showing diploma as awarded, if you have not done so already
      2. Final official California community college transcripts, if you have not done so already

    Students must have attended at least three years of schooling in California.  This can be completed with K-12, adult school, community college, or a combination of all three.

    If you are a citizen of another country, you must also submit paperwork on your current immigration status such as:  Copy of Permanent Resident Card or Copy of Visa or Employment Authorization Card

  • For new and continuing students that are current or former foster youth recipients, as provided by Education Code 66025.3:

    1. Complete a Residence Questionnaire (, 153 KB)
      1. If you are not already classified as a California resident, the questionnaire and supporting documentation are required
    2. Complete a CSU Foster Youth Tuition Waiver (, 62.6 KB)
      1. Submit supporting documents
        1. Copy of a juvenile dependency court document indicating foster care in child welfare system or adoption/guardianship from foster care, or;
        2. Documentation from county social services confirming student was under the care of the Department of Social Services
  • To submit your documents, log into your and click on the 鈥淩esidency Documents for Tuition Purposes鈥 service icon: 

    Residency Documents for Tuition Purposes Button

    You will then be prompted to select files.  Be sure to upload all forms and your supporting documentation.  After selecting files for your documents, click the 鈥淯pload鈥 button. 

    Once your documents are uploaded, you will be able to add more files later, but you will not be able to retrieve or edit files that have already been submitted.

Residency FAQs

What is residency?

Every student attending a California State University must be classified as either a California resident, or as a nonresident, for tuition purposes. This classification is important because nonresident students pay an additional amount per unit each semester. Eligibility criteria are established by state law and the California Code of Regulations. The California State University system implements these laws and regulations.

Residence Determination Date

Generally, to be eligible for California resident classification, a person must be able to establish or verify the following, prior to the Residence Determination Date:

  • Possess immigration status eligible for establishing California residency
  • Maintain a physical presence in California for one calendar year
  • Demonstrate the intent to make California their permanent home
  • Residence Determination Dates (RDD):
    • Fall Terms - September 20th
      • Must establish California residency by September 19th of the prior calendar year to qualify for resident tuition
    • Spring Terms - January 25th
      • Must establish California residency by January 24th of the prior calendar year to qualify for resident tuition
    • Summer Terms - June 1st
      • Must establish California residency by May 31st of the prior calendar year to qualify for resident tuition

The term "California Resident" for tuition purposes may differ from other definitions of California residency. A person who has a California driver license/vehicle registration or who is a California resident for tax, voting, or welfare purposes may have established residence in the state but might not necessarily be considered a resident for tuition purposes.

Regulations were established not to determine whether a student is a resident or nonresident of California, but rather to determine whether a student should pay University fees on an in-state or out-of-state basis. The University cannot alter or waive the eligibility criteria for any reason.

The laws governing residency for tuition purposes at the California State University are California Education Code sections 68000-68090, 68120-68134, and 89705-89707.5, and California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Subchapter 5, Article 4, sections 41900-41916. This material can be viewed on the internet by accessing the California State University's website at

Where can I view my current residency status?

Students can view their current residency status in myCI - CI Records.

Quick Guide - Residency Information

I am 19 years old, or older. How do I qualify for California residency?

Students 19 years of age or older by the Residence Determination Date (RDD) are considered adults for residency purposes. To be eligible for California resident status, adult students must:

  • Be a US Citizen, or possess an allowable immigration status for one year and one day prior to the RDD
  • Maintain a physical presence in California for one year and one day prior to the RDD
  • Demonstrate evidence of intent to make California your permanent home

Evidence of intent (supporting documentation) to make California one鈥檚 permanent home must include at least THREE of the following^:

Options to meet documentation requirement

  • One item from List A and two items from List B
  • Two items from List A and one item from List B
  • All three items from List A

^At least one supporting document submitted must show a date that is one year and one day prior to the Residence Determination Date.

List A

  • CA 540 State Income Tax return
  • CA W2 form
  • Ownership of residential property as a primary residence in CA
  • Continuous occupancy of rented or leased property in CA
  • California driver license or ID card
  • Receipt of CA state services (e.g. unemployment, disability, CalFresh)
  • Vehicle registration in California
  • Voter registration for California
  • Payment of non-resident tuition at an out-of-state institution, if attended within the past year

List B

  • Federal Income Tax Return showing a CA address
  • Utility bill (e.g. cell phone, gas, electrical)
  • Active California bank account statements for most recent month, and one from a year prior
  • Current licensing from the state of California for professional practice
  • Current lease agreement or California property tax statement
  • California pay stubs, one showing most recent month, and one from a year prior
  • Verification of employment in CA on company letterhead
  • CA Vehicle insurance (must be listed on policy)
  • Court documents (e.g. ward of the court, divorce degree, or child support)
  • Selective Service Registration with a CA address

A married person will establish his or her residency independent of his or her spouse.

I am less than 19 years old. How do I qualify for California residency?

Minor students derive their residency status from the parent with whom the minor maintains, or last maintained, their place of residence.

The residence of a minor cannot be changed by:

  • The minor's own act, by the appointment of a legal guardian
  • The relinquishment of a parent's right of control as long as the minor's parents are still living

The parent must be a California resident, as established by the California Education Code, for at least one year and one day immediately prior to the Residence Determination Date for the minor to qualify for California residency. Supporting documentation must be submitted for both the parent and the student.

Evidence of intent (supporting documentation) to make California one鈥檚 permanent home must include at least THREE of the following^:

Options to meet documentation requirement

  • One item from List A and two items from List B
  • Two items from List A and one item from List B
  • All three items from List A

^At least one supporting document submitted must show a date that is one year and one day prior to the Residence Determination Date.

List A

  • CA 540 State Income Tax return
  • CA W2 form
  • Ownership of residential property as a primary residence in CA
  • Continuous occupancy of rented or leased property in CA
  • California driver license or ID card
  • Receipt of CA state services (e.g. unemployment, disability, CalFresh)
  • Vehicle registration in California
  • Voter registration for California
  • Payment of non-resident tuition at an out-of-state institution, if attended within the past year

List B

  • Federal Income Tax Return showing a CA address
  • Utility bill (e.g. cell phone, gas, electrical)
  • Active California bank account statements for most recent month, and one from a year prior
  • Current licensing from the state of California for professional practice
  • Current lease agreement or California property tax statement
  • California pay stubs, one showing most recent month, and one from a year prior
  • Verification of employment in CA on company letterhead
  • CA Vehicle insurance (must be listed on policy)
  • Court documents (e.g. ward of the court, divorce degree, or child support)
  • Selective Service Registration with a CA address

Minor students must report their own information, as well as their parent鈥檚 information, to verify California residence.

Are exceptions or exemptions available to students classified as Non-California residents?

Students not classified as California residents for tuition purposes may qualify for an exception or an exemption from payment of nonresident tuition. Detailed information regarding qualification for these exceptions and exemptions can be found online at:

Are exceptions available to active military personnel, recently discharged military personnel, or their dependents?

Active-Duty Military, Dependents, and Veterans Potential Non-Resident Tuition Exceptions

What is reclassification?

A student classified as a nonresident for a prior term may seek reclassification in any subsequent term; however, reclassification requires that, in addition to satisfying the requirements of physical presence and intent to remain indefinitely in the state, the student must also satisfy the requirement of financial independence.

What is financial independence?

This requirement does not apply to incoming students. However, financial independence is a requirement for students who entered CSU Channel Islands as a nonresident student in a previous term and wish to reclassify to California resident for tuition purposes in a subsequent term. In such cases, the University must consider whether the student is financially dependent on their parent(s), as defined in the California Education Code, section 68044. Students must provide documentation that proves their financial independence from their parents, both in the current year, and in the prior three years. A student shall be considered financially independent for purposes of this section if the applicant meets all of the following requirements:

  1. Has not and will not be claimed as an exemption for state and federal tax purposes by his or her parent in the calendar year the reclassification application is made and in any of the three calendar years prior to the reclassification application.
  2. Has not and will not receive more than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per year in financial assistance from his or her parent in the calendar year the reclassification application is made and in any of the three calendar years prior to the reclassification application.
  3. Has not and will not live with parents for more than 6 weeks per calendar year in the current calendar year nor in any of the previous three calendar years.

This is a non-negotiable requirement for reclassification requests, applicable to students in their second term with the University, or after.

Can my residency status change?

Students incorrectly classified as California residents or incorrectly granted an exception from nonresident tuition by the University are subject to reclassification to nonresident status and payment of nonresident tuition in arrears. If incorrect classification results from false or concealed facts, the student is subject to discipline pursuant to Section 41301 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.

Resident students who become nonresidents or who no longer meet the criteria for an exception must immediately notify the Registrar's Office.

What should I do if I think my residence status is incorrect?

Following a final campus decision on his/her residence classification, and within 30 days of notification, a person may submit an appeal online:

Instructions on How to Submit an Appeal

Students have the ultimate burden of proving their residence status.

Where can I submit my form and supporting documentation?

Submit completed form and all supporting documents together in person, by mail, or via email to:
CSU Channel Islands
Registrar's Office 鈥 Sage Hall 1020
One University Drive
Camarillo, CA 93012

Where can I go for further information?

Please see the University Catalog and the to learn more about the determination of residence status.

Additional Resources for Undocumented Students:
CSU Channel Islands - Undocumented Student Services
Multicultural Dream Center - Multicultural Dream Center
The California State University -

Additional Resources for Current or Former Foster Youth Students:
Multicultural Dream Center - Multicultural Dream Center
PATH Program - Promoting Achievement Through Hope (PATH)
The California State University -

For more information about the laws governing residence for tuition purposes, please refer to 鈥攕ections 6800-68090, 68120-68134, 89705-89707.5鈥攁nd in Title 5 of the , sections 41900-41916.

CSU Channel Islands Contact Information:
Rachel Danielson
Assistant Registrar - Academic Evaluations

This summation is by no means a complete explanation of all the rules governing the establishment of California residency.

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