Notice to Students:

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU must reserve the right, even after initial fee payments are made, to increase or modify any listed fees, without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU listed fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by The Board of Trustees.

Please note: Information on this page has changed. See the "Changes & Updates" section at the bottom of this page for new information.

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Changes & Updates

Final Examination ScheduleWF Finals Schedule Time ChangeWF 9:00AM Classes Finals will meet on Wednesday, 14, May, 8AM - 10:00AMFinal exam date change from Fri 16 May TO: Wed 14, May 2014, 8AM - 10:00AM11/27/2013
CSU Intrasystem Enrollment Programs (New Information)CSU Fully OnlineNew informationEnroll in Fully Online Courses Offered by Other CSU Campuses. Eligibility and requirements found on this link.12/7/2013
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