Financial Aid office, Payroll and Human Resources.
All students applying for and receiving assistance through this program.
The Federal Work Study Program is a financial aid program funded by the Federal Government and is intended to provide part-time employment opportunities for eligible students who need additional financial resources to pursue a college education.
ISIR: Institutional Student Information Report. An electronic record received by 91ÊÓƵ from the Federal Government when the student files a FAFSA form (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
EFC: Expected Family Contribution. The eligibility value delivered on the ISIR.
Financial Need equals the cost of attendance minus the federal Expected Family Contribution.
Unmet need: The amount remaining after a student total financial aid resources and awards have been awarded to meet financial need.
Students who have applied for financial aid through the FAFSA application process and have been awarded Federal Work Study funds may participate. To be eligible, a student must demonstrate need that meets or exceeds the award to meet the award amount authorized by the Financial Aid office. Students may reduce their student loan eligibility to be eligible for FWS. Students must be currently enrolled at least half time (6 units) to be eligible to participate.
FWS employment must be suspended or terminated in all cases where a student no longer meets federal requirements for financial aid or campus requirements for employment. A student?s FWS employment must be terminated by the last day of the pay period in which their award expires. If a student becomes ineligible to participate in the Federal Work Study Program, the employer immediately becomes responsible to pay the full earnings of the student. The Employer is also responsible for paying student earnings once the full federal work study award has been earned.
Funds are limited and not all eligible students will be able to participate in the program. Employment and funding are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority is given to students who demonstrate the highest need and applied for financial aid on or before the priority deadline of March 2nd. Federal Work Study award amounts will be determined by the Financial Aid Office to maximize program effectiveness. Awards will continue to be awarded until all funds have been exhausted. FWS awards may be withdrawn or reduced according to fund availability.
Job Placement
Students are responsible for finding employment on campus through Career Development Services or in Federal Work Study approved off-campus positions through the Service Learning and Civic Engagement office. Job placement is not guaranteed.
Employment Guidelines
Work Study students are limited to working up to a maximum of 20 hours per week during a regular academic semester in which they are enrolled. During non-enrollment periods such as semester breaks, FWS students may work up to a maximum of 40 hours per week. There are no exceptions to allow a student to work during the time they should be in class. Under no circumstance can a student be authorized to earn over-time pay. Wages earned during a period of non-enrollment (excluding winter and spring breaks) must be used to cover costs associated with educational expenses for the next period of enrollment. (34 CFR 375.25b)
No campus department shall charge a student's employment to the FWS program without the approval of the Financial Aid Office. The FWS program will be administered in accordance with all CSU Human Resources policies and procedures. All standards of employment will be met including, but not limited to: job descriptions, pay rates, hours of employment, payroll certification and other HR requirements.
The University will offer employment both on and off campus. In accordance with federal regulations, the University establishes contracts with non-profit agencies that serve a community need. A contract will be developed with each agency employing FWS students that outlines the responsibilities of the agency including any administrative fees that may be applicable as well as the employer's share of student payroll.