CSU Channel Islands grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of IB examinations. IB exams at the Higher Level (HL) passed with a score of 4 or higher will earn up to 8 units of semester credit. Exams passed earn a grade of credit (CR) and are not calculated into the GPA. Exams for past (and current) years are available on the Academic Advising website at www.csuci.edu/academics/advising. The IB table below for 2007 should be viewed as a guideline only and is subject to change. IB transcripts are sent automatically to CSU Channel Islands upon completion of the exam if requested by the student. For more information about transcript requests, please call the IB North American office in New York City at (212) 696-4464, Mon-Fri 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, Eastern Time or send an e-mail to transcripts.ibna@ibo.org. Transcripts should be sent to Registrar’s Office.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit 2008 Exams

Exam NameCredit Granted

Biology HL minimum score 4

BIOL 100 for 4 units plus 2 free elective units
Chemistry HL minimum score 4CHEM 121 for 4 units plus 2 free elective units
Computer Science HL minimum score 4COMP 105 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units
Economics HL minimum score 4ECON 110 for 3 units plus
ECON 111 for 3 units
English A1 HL minimum score 4ENGL 105 for 3 units plus
GE Area C2 for 3 units
French A2 HL minimum score 4GE Area C3a for 3 units plus 3 free elective units plus
fulfills the Language requirement
French B HL minimum score 4GE Area C3a for 3 units plus 3 free elective units plus
fulfills the Language requirement
History of the Americas HL minimum score 4GE Area D for 3 units plus 3 free elective units
Mathematics HL minimum score 4MATH 105 for 4 units plus
MATH 150 for 4 units;
a total of 8 units
²Ñ³Ü²õ¾±³¦ÌýHL minimum score 4MUS 100 for 3 units
plus 3 free elective units
Physics HL minimum score 4PHYS 100 for 4 units plus
PHYS 101 for 4 units;
a total of 8 units
Psychology HL minimum score 4PSY 100 for 3 units
plus 3 free elective units
Social & Cultural  Anthropology HL minimum score 4ANTH 102 for 3 units
plus 3 free elective units
Spanish A2 HL minimum score 4SPAN 201 for 4 units plus SPAN 202 for 4 units plus fulfills the Language requirement; a total of 8 units
Spanish B HL minimum score 4SPAN 301 for 3 units plus SPAN 310 for 3 units plus fulfills the Language requirement
Visual Arts  HL minimum score 4ART 100 for 3 units plus 3 free elective units
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