CSU Channel Islands grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of examinations of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board. Students who present scores of three or better will be granted up to eight semester units (twelve quarter units) of college credit. Exams for past (and current) years are available on the Academic Advising website at www.csuci.edu/academics/advising. The AP table included in this catalog should be viewed as a guideline only and is subject to change. Grade reports are sent automatically to CSU Channel Islands if requested by the student at exam time. The student may also order the report through the AP website at or by calling (609) 771-7300 or (888) 225-5427, Mon-Fri 8 am to 4:45 pm, Eastern Time. Reports should be sent to Registrar’s Office.

Advanced Placement (AP) Credit 2008 Exams

Exam NameCredit Granted
Art HistoryART 110 for 3 units

BIOL 200 for 4 units; For Liberal Studies major,
Teaching and Learning Option only: BIOL 170 for 4 units

Calculus AB
Score of 3MATH 140 for 3 units
Score of 4 or 5MATH 150 for 4 units
Calculus BC
Score of 3MATH 140 or MATH 150
for a maximum of 3 units
Calculus AB SubscoreMATH 140 for 3 units
Score of 4 or 5MATH 150 and MATH
151 for total of 6 units
Calculus AB Subscore MATH 150 for 4 units
NOTE: If both Calculus AB & BC are passed, credit is extended only for Calculus BC, since BC duplicates the AB material.
ChemistryCHEM 121 for 4 units plus
2 free elective units
Computer Science A
Score of 3COMP 105 for 3 units
Score of 4 or 5COMP 150 for 4 units
Computer Science AB
Score of 3COMP 150 for 4 units plus
2 free elective units
Score of 4 or 5COMP 150 and COMP
151 for total of 6 units
NOTE: If both Computer Science A & Computer Science AB are passed, credit is extended only for Computer Science AB, since AB duplicates the A material.
Economics: MicroECON 110 for 3 units
Economics: MacroECON 111 for 3 units
English Language and CompositionENGL 105 for 3 units
English Literature and Composition ENGL 105 for 3 units
Environmental Science3 free elective units
European History6 free elective units
French LanguageGE Area C3a for 3 units
French LiteratureGE Area C2 for 3 units
plus 3 free elective units
German LanguageGE Area C3a for 3 units

Government and US Constitution requirement Politics: US

3 units excluding the California State and Local Government requirement
NOTE: Complete POLS 140, California Government and Politics for 1 unit.
Government and
Politics: Comparative
3 free elective units
Human Geography3 free elective units
Latin: Vergil3 free elective units
Latin: Literature3 free elective units
Music TheoryGE Area C1 for 3 units
plus 3 free elective units
Music Theory Subscore:
GE Area C1 for 3 units
Music Theory Subscore:
GE Area C1 for 3 units
Physics BGE Area B1 for 4 units
Physics C: MechanicsPHYS 100 for 4 units;
For Math majors only:
PHYS 200 for 4 units
Physics C: Electricity and MagnetismPHYS 101 for 4 units;
For Math majors only:
PHYS 201 for 4 units
PsychologyPSY 100 for 3 units
Spanish Language
Score of 3SPAN 201 for 4 units,
fulfilling GE Area C3a
Score of 4 or 5SPAN 201 and SPAN 202
for total of 8 units, fulfilling GE Areas C3a and C3b
Spanish Literature
Score of 3SPAN 301 for 3 units
Score of 4 or 5(SPAN 301 or 302) and SPAN 310 for 6 units
Studio Art: DrawingART 105 for 3 units
Studio Art:
2D Design
ART 106 for 3 units
Studio Art:
3D Design
ART 202 for 3 units
StatisticsMATH 201 for 3 units
U.S. HistoryHIST 270 and HIST 271
for a total of 6 units
World HistoryGE Area D for 6 units
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