1. Students may drop courses during the first three weeks of classes without instructor permission.

2. After the third week of classes and before the end of the tenth week of classes, withdrawal from courses is permissible only for serious and compelling reasons. Approval signatures from the instructor and program chairs must be obtained to withdraw during this period. The withdrawal will be noted as a "W" on the student's permanent record.

3. After the tenth week of instruction, withdrawal is not permitted except in cases beyond the student's control such as accident or serious illness where the assignment of an Incomplete is not practical. Approval signatures from the instructor, program chair and Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee) must be obtained. Withdrawal in this category will typically involve total withdrawal from the University and will be noted as a "W" on the student's permanent record.

4. Instructor Initiated Withdrawal: Instructors may drop students within the first three weeks of classes and as early as the fist day of classes for any of the following reasons:

  1. Student failure to attend class without having made prior arrangements with the instructor.
  2. Student failure to complete the prerequisites for a course before enrolling.
  3. Student failure to secure properly the permission of the instructor before enrolling when such permission is required.


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