
Stephen R. Lefevre
(Associate Vice President, Programs and Planning)

Production Director

Kathy Musashi (Academic Affairs)

Damon Blue (Student Affairs)
Joanna Murphy (Office of the President)
Peggy Hinz (Office of the President)
Nancy Covarrubias Gill (Student Affairs)
Theresa Hernandez (Finance & Administration)
Callie Juarez (Academic Affairs)
Janet Rizzoli (Academic Affairs)
Jack Reilly (Academic Affairs)
Melissa Remotti (Office of the President)
Rosa H. Rodriguez (Academic Affairs)
Beatrice de Oca (Academic Affairs)
Therese Eyermann (Office of the President)

Cover Design

Jesse Puccinio
Class of 2007

Catalog Layout

Joe Papagni

Additional Photos

Jessel Aspuria, Liz King, Larry Lytle, Yearbook Staff,
Joanna Murphy, Paul Murphy, Kathy Musashi

We hope you find this catalog convenient and easy to use. If you have ideas about how we could improve this catalog, please e-mail your suggestions to Stephen Lefevre at stephen.lefevre@csuci.edu . Thank you!

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